Mental health 2.0 with Dr Luke Sullivan and Oliver Stark
The Vaillant Podcast is a heating industry podcast designed to support installers with every aspect of their working lives: from mental health to marketing, fitness to finances; installers can tune in to learn how to enhance their earnings, learning and wellbeing.
Revisiting the topic of the very first episode of The Vaillant Podcast, in this episode, Simon Whysall chats with Dr Luke Sullivan and Oliver Stark to learn more about mental health and how we can open up and have those all-important conversations with our employers.
Dr Luke Sullivan is a clinical psychologist within the NHS and on top of this is also the founder of Men’s Minds Matter, a not-for-profit organisation that was created in 2009. The charity is dedicated to the prevention of male suicide by building psychological resilience and emotional strength.
Oliver Stark is a heating engineer at Plumbgas based in Stafford. Having worked within the industry for more than a decade Oliver was previously self-employed before joining Plumbgas in 2020 and is a strong advocate for mental health issues.
For further support on mental health visit:
To learn more about the support offered by Dr Luke Sullivan and the team at Men’s Minds Matter visit:
NHS resources for stress, anxiety and depression:
MIND, the mental health charity
You can listen to the first episode in The Vaillant Podcast series on mental health here
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